Monday, May 4, 2009

Stop and Smell the Roses

As a woman always on the go, I often get so wrapped up in all of the things in my life: being a mom, being a wife, working full time, building my photography career, working out, etc, etc. As much as I know I should stop and take in everything around me, sometimes the wheel is turning so fast, I can't stop it, or just forget to press the brakes. As a work in progress, I am striving to find that happy balance in my life. 

All of that said, this is why I need to stop and smell the roses (or daisys or dandelions.) 

This beautiful little girl just fills my heart with so much joy! During this moment, it's horrible but true, that I didn't even take the time to stop and relish this moment, but after looking at these images, I almost cried. Her sweet innocence just pours out of this image. This is so worth stopping whatever wheel I'm on and smelling the flowers. She is only going to be this small, this innocent, this vulnerable once. This is the time to treasure all of those moments. For the rest of you who need to stop and smell the flowers, I offer you a few more to smell. :)

This last image is just because I'm absolutely in love with it. Man...I love this kid!

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