Monday, June 28, 2010

Kelli and Zach - Married

Golf carts - I love golf carts. It really should be a standard on all wedding days. :)

Beautiful couple

First time I have seen this - the groom was attempting to help bustle the bride's dress. True Love!
Peacock theme was awesome!

Father/Daughter dance was a fast one - I loved it and I'm pretty sure by the sound of the crowd, they loved it too! Future brides - take note. :)

Sibling love :)
AND a photo booth - So awesome!
Yes - it was a good, good night!

You two are amazing! (And your family and friends too!)

1 comment:

Ashley Richardson said...

Great Job Amanda! Kelli and I went to school together.. how weird our weddings are right next to each other on your blog. Kelli- You looked stunning!